nueva video-serie: Narrating Violence

Video-memoria del laboratorio internacional Narrating violence: artistic practices and research from Latin America and Beyond“ // Las cuatro cápsulas, elaboradas por Anne Huffschmid con Tuline Gülgönen, recapitulan algunas de las ideas y de los trabajos intercambiados en el taller organizado en junio  2022 en el LAI de la FU Berlin, por un grupo interdisciplinario del Instituto, con invitadxs México, Argentina y los Virgen Islands. Los videos están disponibles en este enlace.


Biographisches Gespräch

„Descentrar la experienca para explorar lo urbano“: Conversación sobre la trayectoria de investigación de Anne Huffschmid, con el antropólogo argentino Ramiro Segura, en revista  Bifurcaciones, 6.6. 2022:  enlace



Nueva serie de videos de formación metodológica (LAI-FU Berlin):  La investigacion creadora: 

La serie, consistente de cinco capítulos, es disponible en este enlace. Invita a un recorrido por prácticas innovadoras y experimentales que amplian aún más el horizonte de las metodologias cualitativas. Cada una de las cápsulas recorre un campo distinto: la llamada investigación artística, la exploracion sensorial y particularmente la sonora, el mapeo como metodología creativa asi como lo forense entendido como potencia investigativa y narrativa. Para ello, se han invitado a compartir ideas e experiencias a renombrados investigadorxs creadorxs de diversas ámbitos y procedencias. La serie, que fue concebida y realizada por Anne Huffschmid (en colaboración con Jan-Holger Hennies), se publicó en el portal de trAndeS del LAI, en junio del 2022.


forthcoming / recent publications

Forthcoming in 2024:

Anne Huffschmid: „Re/visiting Forensic Landscapes. On black holes, spatial narratives and forensic imagination”. In Conserveries mémorielles Nr. 26, Special Issue on “Web-documentary and historiographical issues” (Ed. by M. Bonnard und R. Besson)

Just published:

Anne Huffschmid (2023): „La fosa y el memorial: notas sobre los sentidos de la memoria ante el terror del presente“. In Alexandra Délano Alonso, Benjamin Nienass, Alicia de los Ríos Merino, María De Vecchi Gerli (eds.): Las luchas por la memoria contra las violencias en México. Mexico City: Colegio de México, 129-166. (pdf disponible acá)


Anne Huffschmid (2022): „Erzählbarmachung. Bildhandeln und forensische Imagination“. In: Timo Dorsch, Jana Flörchinger, Börries Nehe (Hg.): Geographie der Gewalt. Macht und Gegenmacht in Lateinamerika. Wien/Berlin: mandelbaum verlag, 264-281 (download pdf)


Anne Huffschmid (2022): „The Mass Grave and the Memorial. Notes from Mexico on Memory Work as Contestation of Contemporary Terror“. In: Ulrike Capdepón, Sarah Dornhof (Hg.): Contested Urban Spaces. Monuments, Traces and Decentered Memories Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 275-294 (download pdf)


Ensayo introductorio para el micrositio EXPERIENCIAS OARA LA MEMORIA, sobre acciones de memoria en torno a las violencias de pasado y presente en México (para acceder al sitio, dar clic a la imagen):

Short film: Pop-up und Struktur

Kurzfilm Pop-up und Struktur (Anne Huffschmid, 2022, 15′) zur Frage der Verwaltbarkeit von öffentlichem Raum und dem disruptiven Potenzial städtischer Verwaltungen im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Gemeine Stadt“, kuratiert von metroZones, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Landeszentrale Politische Bildung Berlin

Einbettung in Webseite „Gemeine Stadt“



POP-UP UND STRUKTUR (2022 | 15′ | by Anne Huffschmid)

DATO SENSIBLE (Senstive Data | 2020 | 16′ | by  Anne Huffschmid and Alfonso Díaz Tovar)

Official selection in international film festivals:

  • Festival Internacional de Cine „El cine suma paz“ (Bogotá, Kolumbien, 10-25 September 2021, awarded with „honorable mention“)
  • Shorts México (Ciudad de México, 1-30 September 2021)
  • GIFF Guanajuato international Film Festival (Guanajuato, Mexico, 17-26 September 2021, awarded as best Mexican short documentary)
  • Festival de cine Latinoamericano de La Plata – FESAALP     (La Plata, Argentina, 27 November – 4 December 2021)
  • dokumentART (Neubrandenburg, Germany, 23.-27.11.2021)
  • CineFestival San Antonio (San Antonio, Texas, 6.-10.2022)

FORENSIC LANDSCAPES (2020 | ca.100‘ | interactive webdocumentary | by Anne Huffschmid with P. Martínez Zárate)

Official selection in international film festivals:

  • FINNOF International Festivals of Non-Fiction Narratives
    (Rosario/Argentine; 21-24 April 2020, awarded as best webdocumentary)
  • IDFA, International Documentary Film Festival (Amsterdam; 18 November – 6 December 2020, Doclab competition for digital storytelling)
  • Audio/visual programm SIEF, International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (Helsinki 19-24 June 2021)

PERSISTENCIA (Persistence | 2019 | 54′ | by Anne Huffschmid and Jan-Holger Hennies

Official selection in international film festivals:

  • Dokumentarfilmwoche (Hamburg, 15-19 April 2020; canceled due to coronavirus; program available:
  • Ethnocineca (Vienna, 7-14 May 2020; canceled due to coronavirus; program and review available:
  • Ambulante (sección Coordenadas, Veracruz/Mexico; local tour programmed April 2020; canceled due to coronavirus (
  • LASA Film Festival (Guadalajara/Mexico; 13-16 May 2020; online)
  • EASA Film festival, 21-24 July 2020; online)
  • Festival de Cine Etnográfico de Ecuador, Quito, 29 September-3 October 2020)
  • PukaÑawi / Festival internacional de Cine de los Derechos Humanos (Sucre/Bolivia,1-6 September 2020
  • DocsMX (Mexico City, 8-25 October 2020; awarded as best documentary in the category „Made in Mexico“; award ceremony:; available in the program docs en linea:
  • Festival International Jean Rouch (Paris, 14-21 November 2020,; Q & A, panel discussion 21.11.2020)
  • Ethnofest / Ethnographic film festival (Athens; 16 November – 6 December 2020;
  • COMASE Film festival, Congreso Mexicano de Antropología social y Etnologia (Mexico City; 17-19 March 2021)
  • RAI Film festival (19-28 March 2021)

DESAFIANDO LA TIERRA (Defying the earth | 2018 | 37′ | by Anne Huffschmid and Jan-Holger Hennies)

  • Invited to the Second Biennale d’Architecture d’Orleans (Paris), as part of the installation „De la solitude a la désolation“ (

LA EMPERATRIZ DE MEXICO (Die Kaiserin von Mexiko | 2006 | 60′ | by Anne Huffschmid and Christiane Burkhard)

  • Several Mexican film festivals, among them the Festival Internacional de Cine Morelia (FICM).

TECNOGEIST 2000 (2001 | 45 | by Anne Huffschmid and Christiane Burkhard)




Dato sensible (Sensitive Data)

A short documentary by Anne Huffschmid and Alfonso Diaz Tovar (16′, full HD, finishes Dicember 2020, Mexiko/Germany)

Download file with credits, biographies, filmographies here

Complete information:


Direction and research: Anne Huffschmid, Alfonso Díaz Tovar

Script: Anne Huffschmid y Alfonso Díaz Tovar

Cinematography: René Rivas

Editing: Jan-Holger Hennies

Production: Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS), Guadalajara, México

Postproduction: Jan-Holger Hennies

Vimeolink to international version: (password: Dato&Ingles/)


Spaces of terror, produced by massacre or disappearance, do not belong to far away galaxies or to some kind of no one’s land, rather they are inserted into our everyday geographies. We coexist with them, often they go unseen or unperceived. They have a voice and things to tell, so let’s start listening. Sensitive Data leads you to recognize and interrogate these landscapes within the Mexican geography, to immerse yourself in their textures, their patterns, the voices that inhabit them. And there is another code that speaks to us, disturbingly.

Biography directors

Anne Huffschmid is a researcher and filmmaker based in Berlin. In her transdisciplinary research she combines etnographic as well as analitical, audiovisual and artistic approaches. Her projects have dealt with a wide range of topics related to Latin American conflicts, among them her latest audiovisual research on forensic landscapes and resistance in the face of forced disappearance. „Sensitive Data“ in the latest outcome of that research, as well as the documentary „Persistence“ (2019, with Jan-Holger Hennies, which participated in numerous international festivals and was awarded as best documentary in DocsMX, 2020 edition) as well as the webdocumentary „Forensic Landscapes“ (2020, selected for the IDFA Doclab 2020).

Alfonso Díaz Tovar is a documentary filmmaker and social psychologist based in Mexico City. Alfonso specializes in memory and comunitarian practices, his audiovisual work has focussed on cultural tradition as well as memorial sites in his home country Mexico.

Filmography Anne Huffschmid

Tecnogeist 2000 (2001, 45′, with C. Burkhard, prod. Goethe Institut)

La Emperatriz de México (2006, 60′, with C. Burkhard, prod. FONCA/CCC)

Desafiando la tierra (Defying the earth) (2018, 37′, with J.H. Hennies, prod. GIZ)

Persistencia (Persistence) (2019, 54′, with J.H.Hennies, prod. Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung/FU Berlin) Awarded as best Mexican documenary in DocsMx (Mexico City, october 2020).

Forensic Landscapes (2020, interactive webdoc,; with P. Martínez Zarate, prod. IberoDocsLab/VolkswagenStiftung) Awarded as best webdocumentary in the FINNOF festival (april 2020).

Dato sensible (Sensitive Data) (2020, 16′, with A. Díaz Tovar, prod. CALAS)

The filmography of Alfonso Díaz Tovar includes two seasons of the series “Museos Vivos” (Living Museums, 2013-2015); co-director of the experimental documentary “Pie de página” (2014, winner of the 9° Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de México (DocsDF) for best Mexican short film; co-director of the documentary “Puntos Suspensivos” (2015) winner of the Zanate Award, CONACULTA for the best short film documentary in the 8° Festival de Cine Documental Mexicano Zanate.




